Join Now!

NOZOX is a membership-based, fully live “peeping” site. Micro cameras are secretly mounted at selected pretty ladies’ apartments! You can watch their real lifestyle 24/7, all their rooms!

Please read terms and conditions before you join our site.

  • You can peep at all the girls’ rooms captured in the cameras 24 hours with a fee of $180/30days or $498/90days.
  • Hassle free! Until cancellation, your membership will be renewed automatically every month.
  • ※Your credit card statement is discreetly billed as "KINGSUMMIT."
Duration Fee Sign Up
30 days $198 $158 first charge
$180 thereafter
Sign Up Now!
90 days $498 $398 Sign Up Now!

* Coupon cannot be used during the sale period.

System Requirements

This site recommends the following system requirements:

Windows PC

  • OS: Windows 8.1 / 10 / 11
  • Browser: latest Edge ・ latest Firefox ・ latest Chrome
  • Software: Adobe Flash Player
  • ※We can not guarantee the performance of the β(beta) version and preview of the OS.
  • To download a Flash Player Click here (free)
  • The details of a Flash Player Click here


  • OS: Mac OS X 10.6 or later
  • Browser: latest Safari
  • Network:FTTH (optical cable) / CATV (cable) / LTE(WiMAX2+) ※You cannot see movies properly in Narrowband (low-speed line) such as the ISDN.


iPhone・iPad・iPod touch

  • OS: iOS5 or later
  • Browser: Safari
  • Note: iPhone3G、iPod touch (2G) are not supported because they are not able to update for applicable iOS.

Android (Excluding some models)

  • OS: Android OS5.0 or later
  • Browser: Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Note: Some models can not play movies. Please make sure the operation by testing the sample movie. Click here

*Even if the model (OS / Browser) was confirmed to play when you joined, you may not be able to play due to changes in the specifications of the server.
※Some services are not available in iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android.
※We recommend that the downlink speed is more than 5Mbps (WiFi・LTE). It may not be able to play movies depend on the speed.

Support & Security

The charges for your purchases will be reflected as King Summit. You will also automatically be enrolled to our customer support and newsletter.


  • You must cancel your membership at least one day before your next billing cycle to avoid automatic recurring charges. You will receive confirmation e-mail when you complete the process. After you have cancelled your account, you will still have access to the site until your membership period expires.
  • To cancel your membership, please choose the appropriate billing services. Check your billing statement and please fill out the cancellation form. Click here.

Operation Company

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If you forgot your UserID or Password, please visit UserID and Password Reminder Page

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